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Explanations for the positive storm surges on the left side of landfall typhoons in China 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 2024, 卷号: 11, 页码: 12
Authors:  Wan, Weiqi;  Feng, Xingru;  Yin, Baoshu;  Liu, Qingrong
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ADCIRC  circular wind field  ERA5 reanalysis  Taiwan Strait  left-side storm surge  
Kinetic Energy Cascade Induced by the Interaction of Mean Flow, Topography, and Mesoscale Eddies East of Taiwan: A Scale-to-Scale Analysis 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, 2024, 卷号: 54, 期号: 2, 页码: 617-639
Authors:  Xu, Lingjing;  Yang, Dezhou;  He, Zhiwei;  Feng, Xingru;  Gao, Guandong;  Cui, Xuan;  Yin, Baoshu
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North Pacific Ocean  Boundary currents  Eddies  Energy transport  
A novel model for the fifth-order mKP equation describing (2+1)-dimensional shallow ocean solitary waves and their properties 期刊论文
PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2023, 卷号: 98, 期号: 12, 页码: 20
Authors:  Zhao, Kailun;  Gao, Guandong;  Yang, Dezhou;  Xu, Lingjing;  Feng, Xingru;  Yin, Baoshu;  Han, Xiaofeng
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solitary waves  multiscale analysis and perturbation expansion  fifth-order modified KP equation  G'/G expansion method  conservation laws  
Improving storm surge simulations by considering wave-steepness-dependent drag coefficient in the northern East China Sea 期刊论文
OCEAN MODELLING, 2023, 卷号: 186, 页码: 13
Authors:  Li, Zhao;  Li, Shuiqing;  Hu, Po;  Feng, Xingru;  Mo, Dongxue;  Li, Jian
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Storm surge  Wave drag  Wave setup  Wave steepness  Topography  
Study on the mechanisms of interannual variation in suspended sediment concentration in the Bohai Sea based on GOCI 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, 2023, 卷号: 195, 页码: 10
Authors:  Xie, Jianbin;  Feng, Xingru;  Chen, Haijun;  Yin, Baoshu
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Suspended sediment concentration  Geostationary Ocean Color Imager  EOF analyses  Winds  Interannual variation  
Influence of mesoscale eddies on the cross-shelf phosphate transport of the Kuroshio Current northeast of Taiwan: A modeling study 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 2023, 卷号: 9, 页码: 17
Authors:  Xu, Lingjing;  Yang, Dezhou;  Feng, Xingru;  Sun, Junchuan;  Gao, Guandong;  Cui, Xuan;  Yin, Baoshu
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cross-shelf transport  Kuroshio Current  mesoscale eddy  phosphate  numerical simulation  
A Biological-Parameter-Optimized Modeling Study of Physical Drivers Controlling Seasonal Chlorophyll Blooms off the Southern Coast of Java Island 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 2022, 卷号: 127, 期号: 11, 页码: 23
Authors:  Gao, Guandong;  Yang, Dezhou;  Xu, Lingjing;  Zhang, Kun;  Feng, Xingru;  Yin, Baoshu
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The encountering dune fields in a bidirectional flow system in the northwestern South China Sea: Pattern, morphology, and recent dynamics (vol 406, 108210, 2022) 期刊论文
GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 413, 页码: 1
Authors:  Ma, Xiaochuan;  Li, Jinyuan;  Yan, Jun;  Feng, Xingru;  Song, Yongdong;  Xu, Tao;  Zhuang, Lihua;  Luan, Zhendong;  Zhang, Jianxing
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The encountering dune fields in a bidirectional flow system in the northwestern South China Sea: Pattern, morphology, and recent dynamics 期刊论文
GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 406, 页码: 14
Authors:  Li, Jinyuan;  Yan, Jun;  Feng, Xingru;  Song, Yongdong;  Xu, Tao;  Zhuang, Lihua;  Luan, Zhendong;  Zhang, Jianxing;  Ma, Xiaochuan
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Dune fields  Bidirectional flow  Morphology  Tide  the South China Sea  
Three Types of Typhoon-Induced Upwellings Enhance Coastal Algal Blooms: A Case Study 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 2022, 卷号: 127, 期号: 5, 页码: 20
Authors:  Li, Yuxuan;  Yang, Dezhou;  Xu, Lingjing;  Gao, Guandong;  He, Zhiwei;  Cui, Xuan;  Jiang, Wenxin;  Feng, Xingru;  Yin, Baoshu
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