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Enhanced terrigenous organic matter input and productivity on the western margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool during the Quaternary sea-level lowstands: Forcing mechanisms and implications for the global carbon cycle 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2020, 卷号: 232, 页码: 12
Authors:  Xu, Zhaokai;  Wan, Shiming;  Colin, Christophe;  Li, Tiegang;  Clift, Peter D.;  Chang, Fengming;  Sun, Rongtao;  Yu, Zhaojie;  Lim, Dhongil
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Paleoredox  Siliciclastic input  East Asian winter monsoon  Atmospheric CO2 sequestration  
Sea level-controlled sediment transport to the eastern Arabian Sea over the past 600 kyr: Clay minerals and Sr-Nd isotopic evidence from IODP site U1457 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2019, 卷号: 205, 页码: 22-34
Authors:  Yu, Zhaojie;  Colin, Christophe;  Wan, Shiming;  Saraswat, Rajeev;  Song, Lina;  Xu, Zhaokai;  Clift, Peter;  Lu, Huayu;  Lyle, Mitchell;  Kulhanek, Denise;  Hahn, Annette;  Tiwari, Manish;  Mishra, Ravi;  Miska, Serge;  Kumar, Anil
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Arabian sea monsoon  Expedition 355  Sea level  Indus river  Deccan traps  IODP site U1457