当前检索式 ((ALL:Chen, Xing))
限定条件 ((专题:实验海洋生物学重点实验室))
Scientific and Techn 5 Key Research and Dev 4 Key Research and Dev 3
Key Research and Dev 3 National Natural Sci 3 Qingdao Applied Basi 3
Qingdao Science and 3 CAS STS Program[KFJ- 2 Chinese Academy of S 2
National Key R&D Pro 2 National Key R&D Pro 2 National Natural Sci 2
National Natural Sci 2 Public Science and T 2 Public Science and T 2
STS Project of the C 2 Science and Technolo 2 Science and Technolo 2
Shandong Provincial 2 Anhui Technologies M 1