当前检索式 ((ALL:Food processing))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2019))
Creative Team Projec 6 Taishan Scholars Pro 5 earmarked fund for M 4
Agricultural Seed Pr 3 China Postdoctoral S 3 Key Research Project 3
NSFC-Shandong Joint 3 National Natural Sci 3 National Science & T 3
Scientific and techn 3 Taishan Scholar Prog 3 AoShan Talents Culti 2
AoShan Talents Progr 2 Aoshan Talents Progr 2 China Agriculture Re 2
China Postdoctoral S 2 Dalian High Level Ta 2 Distinguished Profes 2
Earmarked Fund for M 2 Key Research and Dev 2