IOCAS-IR  > 海洋环流与波动重点实验室
关键词污损生物 污损苔虫 养殖贝类 养殖笼网
摘要海洋污损苔虫(marine fouling bryozoans或bryozoan foulers)是海洋污损生物群落的一个重要组成部分。在海洋污损动物中,海洋污损苔虫是仅次于软体动物和甲壳动物的主要污损生物。海洋污损苔虫有独特的群体生长方式,既有能利用表面积宽阔的附着基形成单层片状、多层结核状或丘状群体的成员;也有能利用表面积狭窄的附着基形成树枝状、树丛状或中空管状群体的成员;某些污损苔虫还能随附着基表面积的改变而改变其群体生长方式,即同一种污损苔虫在表面积宽阔的附着基上形成片状被覆群体,而在表面积狭窄的附着基上或空间竞争激烈的环境中则形成被覆和直立两种生长方式式兼有的被覆-直立群体。随着海水养殖事业的发展,各种养殖生物尤其是养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的投入为海洋污损生物提供了极其丰富的附着基。而与其它污损生物相比污损苔虫更能充分利用养殖贝类及其养殖笼网作为附着基,从而成为养殖贝类及其养殖笼网污损生物群落的优势类群,给贝类养殖业带来极大危害。近年来对养殖贝类污损苔虫的研究已开始受到人们的重视,但由于污损苔虫的调查一直是与其它污损生物调查同时进行的,污损生物学家在对污损苔虫的分类鉴定中面临着许多困难。作者对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来所收集的中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的污损苔虫标本进行了系统的分类研究,并对中国学者曾报道过的中国沿岸水域工污损苔虫进行了对比分析,得到的结果如下:1.中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的污损苔虫现有143种,分隶于2纲3目9亚目46科76属。其中养殖贝类的污损苔虫122种,分隶于44科68属;养殖笼网的污损苔虫90种,分隶于37科53属。养殖贝类和养殖笼网两类物体上的污损苔虫科属组成几乎相同,主要优势种组成几乎相同,膜孔苔虫Membranipora、琥珀苔虫Electra、草苔虫 Bugula、三胞苔虫 Tricellaria、软苔虫 Alcyonidium、隐槽苔虫 Cryptosula、血苔虫 Watersipora 拟分胞苔虫Celleporaria、和仿分胞苔虫 Celleporina等属的成员常形成污损苔虫生物群落的优势类群。2.本项研究中,我们发现一新科、一新属和7新种。新科为:太平洋苔虫科,新科Pacificincolidae fam. nov.。新属为:太平洋苔虫属,新属Pacificincola gen. nov.。7个新种分别为:(1)空穴拟小孔苔虫,新种Microporella vacuatus sp. nov.;(2)小筛网拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella cribellata sp. nov.;(3)无齿拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella inermis sp. nov.;(4)异北方拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella antiborealis sp. nov.;(5)项链拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella monilifera sp. nov.;(6)中华斑孔苔虫,新种 Fenestrulina sinica sp. nov.;(7)东方斑孔苔虫,新种 Fenestrulina orientalis sp. nov.。3. 笔者发现,本项研究以前其他中国学者所报道的污损苔虫在分类鉴定中存在许多异物同名和同物异名现象。例如,过去许多学者所报道的大室膜孔苔虫实际上包括3个不同的独立种;而过去一直被标定为聚合软苔虫的污损苔虫经鉴定为迈氏软苔虫。笔者对在本项研究以前的污损调查报告中所出现的污损苔虫的分类鉴定错误进行了适当的更正,并在系统分类研究的基础上编制了中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网143种污损苔虫的分类检索表。
其他摘要Marine-fouling bryozoans are one of the most important components of the marine-fouling community, and they are one of the largest fouling groups among the marine-fouling invertebrate animals, just inferior to the marine-fouling molluscans and crustaceans. Marine-fouling bryozoans have their special colonial growing modes. Some bryozoan foulers may utilize the large-surfaced substratum to form a unilaminar patch or a multilaminar nodule or mound. Others may take the narrow-surfaced substratum to form a branch-like or thicket-like colony, or to form a hollow, tubular colony. Some bryozoan foulers can change their growing modes according to the surface nature of the substrata. That is, on the substratum with a spacious surface, the fouling bryozoan may form an extensive incrustation; while on the substratum with a limited surface, it may take the advantage of an encrusting-erect growing mode. The development of the mariculture industry, especially the industry of the cultured molluscans provides abundant substrata for the fouling organisms. In comparison with other fouling organisms, fouling bryozoans can make the best use of the shells of the cultured molluscans and their floating cages as extra substrata. In such suitable microenvironments, the populations of marine-fouling bryozoans take opportunities to increase on a large scale and become the main or dominant fouling organisms on the cultured molluscans and their floating cages. As a result, they do great harm to the mariculture industries. For the last few years, people have started to pay more attention to the study of fouling bryozoans on cultured molluscans and their floating cages. However, marine ecologists have been confronted with many difficulties in the classification of marine-fouling bryozoans. The author of this paper has comprehensively studied the specimens preserved in the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All these specimens are marine-fouling bryozoans found on the cultured molluscans and their floating cages along the Chinese coastal waters. In addition, this author made a comparison between the fouling bryozoans concerned in this thesis and the corresponding fouling bryozoans described before by other Chinese authors. The conclusive statements of this study are given as follows: 1. Up to now, 143 species of marine-fouling bryozoans have been found on cultured molluscans and their floating cages in Chinese seas, and they are respectively belonging to 2 classes, 3 orders, 9 suborders, 46 families and 76 genera. Among them, 122 species have been found on cultured molluscans, and they are respectively belonging to 44 families and 68 genera; and 90 species have been found on floating cages, and they are respectively belonging to 37 families and 53 genera. The composition of genera and species of fouling bryozoans on cultured molluscans is nearly the same with that on floating cages. The dominant species on these two kinds of artificial objects are nearly the same, too. Some members of such genera as Alcyonidium, Membranipora, Electra, Bugula, Tricellaria, Cryptosula, Watersipora, Celleporaria and Celleporina are often become the dominant species in the bryozoan foulers both on the cultured molluscans and on their floating cages. 2. In this paper 1 new family and 1 new genus are introduced, and 7 new species to science were described. The new family is Pacificincolidae fam. nov.. The new genus is Pacificincola gen. nov.. 7 new species are respectively: (1) Microprella vacuatus sp. nov.; (2) Microporella cribellata sp. nov.; (3) Microporella inermis sp. nov.; (4) Microporella antiborealis sp. nov.; (5) Microporella monilifera sp. nov.; (6) Fenestrulina sinica sp. nov.; (7) Fenestrulina orientalis sp. nov.. 3. Some synonyms and homonyms have been found in the classification of the fouling bryozoans from the Chinese coastal waters. For example, "Membranipora grandicella: reported by some Chinese authors includes, in fact, 3 independent species; While "Alcyonidium polyum" is a synonym of Alcyonidium mytili dylyell, 1848. Such mistakes have been corrected in this study. It seems necessary that a functional key for the 143 fouling bryozoans should be complied in order to promote the future biofouling and antibiofouling research about the bryozoan foulers on the cultured molluscans and their floating cages.
GB/T 7714
刘会莲. 中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼肉污损苔虫的研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院海洋研究所,1999.
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