IOCAS-IR  > 海洋环流与波动重点实验室
关键词微型浮游动物 组成 分布 摄食压力 稀释法
摘要本论文研究了渤海,胶州湾和东海20-200 μm微型浮游动物(桡足类幼虫、纤毛虫)的数量和生物量(1% Lugol's 试剂固定1000ml,Utermohl法150倍显微镜检查),在渤海和东海用稀释法(Landry and Hassett, 1982; Burkill et al., 1990)估计了微型浮游动物(<200 μm)对浮游植物的摄食压力。对上述海区调查的时间如下:渤海:1997年6,1998年6月(莱州湾),1998年10月;胶州湾1997年8、11月,1998年2、4、8、11月,1999年2月;东海:1998年7月。结果如下:渤海:1997年6月,只发现一种砂壳纤毛虫,数量为0-980个/L。1998年6月(莱州湾),微型浮游动物数量为30-2390个/L,生物量为1.5-25 μg C/L,水体中生物量为0.1-53.2 mgC m~(-2)。共有13种砂壳纤毛虫和一种无壳纤毛虫。纤毛虫的数量为0-2380个/L,生物量为0-24.52 μg C/L。纤毛虫优势种有无壳纤毛虫、Tintinnopsis pallida、T. amoyensis和T. chinglanensis。微型浮游动物的各个类群呈斑块分布。1998年10月,微型浮游动物的数量为0-770个/L,生物量为0-12.3 μg C/L,水体中生物量为0-136 mgC m~(-2)。在两次大面调查间隔的6天内,发生大风。两次大面站调查海区的温盐分布格局没有很大变化,但微型浮游动物的变化却十分显著,这也反映了恶劣天气对海洋生物的影响。在几个连续站对微型浮游动物的连续监测表明,微型浮游动物的分布与水团有很大关系。胶州湾:桡足类幼虫在8月数量最大(850个/L)。共记录两种无壳纤毛虫和7种砂壳纤毛虫。微型浮游动物数量弯化很大,从10-22600个/L。微型浮游动物的分布格局可能是湾内和湾外海水混合的结果:1997年11月,无壳纤毛虫No.12从湾外涌入,其他航次无壳纤毛虫No.11在湾内发生,向湾外扩散。东海:微型浮游动物数量较少,最大数量为1970个/L,绝大多数站位低于300个/L,生物量为0.08-45 μg C/L,水体50m积分生物量为5-283mgC m~(-2)。微型浮游动物有明显的斑块分布,连续监测没有发现明显的变化。根据稀释培养的结果,微型浮游动物对浮游植物摄食压力如下所述:渤海三个航次的微型浮游动物对浮游植物摄食率为0.13-1.01d~(-1),每天摄食浮游植物生物量(现存量)的12-49%,初级生产力的34-267%。东海稀释培养的结果为微型浮游动物地浮游植物的摄食率为0.2-1.2d~(-1),每天摄食浮游动物生物量的20-71%,摄食初级生产力的54-98%。由于稀释培养实验的设计和操作有许多争议之外,本文只将结果列出,对方法不作讨论。
其他摘要In this paper, the composition, abundance and biomass of microzooplankton (20-200 μm) and microzooplankton (<200 μm) grazing pressure on phytoplankton were investigated in the Bohai Sea, in the Jiaozhou Bay and in the East China Sea. The composition, abundance and biomass of microzooplankton (20-200 μm) were studied as following. For each sample, 1000ml seawater were preserved with 1% Lugol's iodine solution, settled and analyzed with a microscopy at 150 * magnification. Only copepod nauplii and ciliates with a maximum preserved dimension of >20 μm were counted. The conversion factors from cell volume to biamoss were 0.05 pg C/μm~3 for nauplii and 0.19 pg C/μm~3 for ciliated. It is assumed that the body of tintinnids occupies 50% of the shell volume. The dilution incubation experiments were taken out following Landry and Hassett (1982) and Burkill et al. (1990). Every experiment had two replicate bottles. The bottles were incubated in seawater at anchored stations and on the deck at grid stations. When incubated on deck, the bottles were sheltered at noon to prevent plankton from hurt by straight sunlight. The investigation time were: Bohai Sea: June, 1997; June, 1998 (Laizhou Bay); October, 1998; Jiaozhou Bay: August, November, 1997; February, April, August, November, 1998; February, 1999; East China Sea: July, 1998. The main results are: 1 Bohai Sea: In June, 1997, only one species of tintinnid was found with a concentration of 0-980 ind./L. In June, 1998 (Laizhou Bay), microzooplankton concentration was 30-2390 ind./L, biomass 1.5-25 μg C/L, water column biomass 0.1-53.2 mgC m~(-2). There were 13 tintinnids and 1 aloricate species altogether. The dominant species were aloricate ciliate, Tintinnopsis pallida、T. amoyensis and T. chinglanensis. The distribution of all the species was patchy. In October, 1998, microzooplankton concentration was 0-770 ind./L, and biomass 0-12.3 μg C/L, and water column biomass 0-136 mgC m~(-2). A strong typhoon influenced the Bohai Sea just in the 6 days between the two grid station investigations. The distribution of temperature and salinity differed very little between the two cruise. But microzooplankton changed significantly. Perhaps bad weather influences plankton inversely. The data of anchor station showed an obvious relationship between microzooplankton distribution and water mass. 2 Jiaozhou Bay: Nauplii reached its highest concentration in August (850 ind./L). Two aloricate ciliate species and 7 tintinnid species were recorded. Microzooplankton varied in a wide range of 10-22600 ind./L. The distribution of microzooplankton might be the result of mixing of water groups out of the Bay and that in the Bay: No. 12 invaded into the Bay from outside in November, 1997. In other cruises, No.11 seemed to prosper in the inner coast area. 3 The East China Sea: Microzooplankton were scarce. The microzooplankton concentration ranged from 0 to 300 ind./L in most of the stations while the maximum concentration reached 1970 ind./L. Microzooplankton biomass ranged 0.08-45 μg C/L and 0-50m water column biomass 5-283mg. The distribution of microzooplankton were patchy. Data of the two anchored stations showed no obvious change of vertical distribution. The results of the dilution incubation experiments were as following. In Bohai Sea, microzooplankton grazing rates were 0.13-1.0ld~(-1). 12-49% of the phytoplankton stocks and 34-267% of the primary production were grazed by microzooplankton per day. In the East China Sea, microzooplankton grazing rates were 0.2-1.2d~(-1). 20-71% of the phytoplankton stocks and 54-98% of the primary production were grazed by microzooplankton every data. Because of the many disputes of dilution method, only the results were presented here, no discussion were made about the method.
GB/T 7714
张武昌. 微型浮游动物及其对浮游植物的摄食压力[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院海洋研究所,1999.
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