IOCAS-IR  > 实验海洋生物学重点实验室
Thesis Advisor单体锋
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral中国科学院海洋研究所
Degree Name生物与医药硕士
Degree Discipline生物与医药
Keyword裙带菜 微卫星 线粒体基因 遗传多样性 遗传结构




山东半岛潮下带的野生群体中,微卫星分析结果显示烟台长岛群体具有最高的遗传多样性(Na=9.2He=0.746),STRUCTURE聚类分析和PCoA分析显示山东半岛野生群体与大连栽培群体和南方野生群体之间具有高度遗传分化。除青岛群体外,山东半岛的野生群体经线粒体基因序列分析均体现出较高的遗传多样性。长岛野生群体与其他潮下带野生群体以及长岛的群体之间存在着不同程度的遗传分化,在小钦岛采集的样品中发现一个atp8-S W-I的组合序列的新单倍型。




Other Abstract

Undaria pinnatifida is an economically important brown alga, which has been commercially farmed in China since the 1980s. In China, U. pinnatifida is mainly farmed in Dalian, Liaoning province, and the farmed stocks were originally introduced from Japan. Native populations of U. pinnatifida in China were documented to be distributed in the Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, but their distribution range has been declining northward and natural individuals have seldom been observed recently in Fujian and southern Zhejiang province, which is possibly a result of human activities and environmental changes. Populations of U. pinnatifida still prosper on small islands off the coast of Zhejiang province, such as Gouqi and Yushan Islands. Natural populations can also be observed on rocky shores in northern China, among which the populations in Dalian and Qingdao originated from intentional transplantation from Korea in 1930s, and those in Yantai and Weihai were secondary derivatives of individuals transplanted from Dalian and Qingdao.

The establishment and expansion of germplasm resource bank are the basis for the breeding of new U. pinnatifida cultivars, and both farmed and natural populations are important sources for germplasm collection. Besides, there may be gene flow between the farmed populations and the sympatric natural populations in northern China, and the genetic relationship between them remains uncertain. In addition, native populations in southern China are important potential germplasm resources that could be used for cultivar breeding. In order to effectively carry out the collection and preservation of germplasm resources of this economically important kelp and construct core germplasm bank, it is necessary to systematically study the genetic diversity and genetic structure of the farmed and natural U. pinnatifida populations in China.

The previous studies only contained some populations in partial areas of China, and systematic studies on the overall population genetics within the distribution range of U. pinnatifida in China have not been conducted. In the present study, informative mitochondrial sequences and nuclear microsatellites were used to analyze the genetic diversity and genetic structure of the main natural and farmed populations of U. pinnatifida in China, study their genetic relationships, and identify the origin of a newly discovered subtidal natural population in Dalian.

The analysis based on mitochondrial sequences and microsatellites showed high genetic diversity and unique genetic components of the native populations in Gouqi and Yushan Islands. We revealed shallow genetic structure among the southern native populations and great genetic differentiation between them and northern populations. Moreover, we did not detect signs of recent bottleneck in southern native populations, indicating that there had been no significant recent reduction of effective populations size in them. These findings suggested that the effective population size of U. pinnatifida from Gouqi and Yushan islands was either large, or otherwise, they had enough gene flow with other neighboring populations to counterbalance the negative impact of genetic drift on genetic diversity. Despite the high He values of southern native populations, the mean Fis value was significantly higher than zero across the 10 microsatellite loci in Yushan population, suggesting probable occurrence of inbreeding in this population.

Among the natural populations in the subtidal zone of the Shandong Peninsula, analysis based on microsatellites showed the highest genetic diversityNa=9.2He=0.746of U. pinnatifida sampled from Changdao. The result of STRUCTURE clustering and PCoA analysis revealed great genetic differentiation between the natural populations in Shandong Peninsula and the farmed populations from Dalian and the native U. pinnatifida in southern China. According to mitochondrial sequences, genetic diversity of natural populations was high in Shandong Peninsula except for that in Qingdao. Various degrees of genetic differentiation were revealed between samples from Changdao and other areas. One novel haplotype of concatenated sequences of atp8-S and W-I was detected in Xiaoqin Island samples.

According to the combined cox3 and tatC-tLeu sequences, almost all haplotypes in the farmed populations sampled from Dalian were classified as the Northern Japan type, and nearly all haplotypes detected in the subtidal natural populations in northern China belonged to the Continental type. Both the Northern Japan type and the Continental type were detected in southern native populations, with the Continental type being dominant in all populations. The classification of U. pinnatifida populations was consistent with the historical records of their origin.

We found a high level of genetic diversity in the newly discovered subtidal natural population of U. pinnatifida by the mitochondrial sequences and microsatellites. The results of microsatellites showed that W22 was genetically close to other subtidal natural populations in northern China, but highly differentiated from the farmed populations bred in the nearby hatchery. Analysis of mitochondrial sequences indicated that the haplotype component of W22 was similar to those detected in subtidal natural populations, but significantly distinct from those of farmed populations. Moreover, almost all haplotypes in W22 were classified as the Continental type for the combined cox3 and tatC-tLeu sequences. Therefore, we confirmed that this natural population was not founded by the zoospores discharged from the nearby hatchery and suggested that it originated from the early transplanted stocks from Korea. And it had almost not been contaminated by the pedigree of farmed populations bred in the nearby hatchery.

In conclusion, this study systematically clarified the genetic diversity and genetic structure of U. pinnatifida populations in China and the genetic relationship of Chinese populations with those from Japan and Kore. These results not only provide theoretical basis for conservation, exploration and rational utilization of stock resources of U. pinnatifida, but also have important guiding significance for the selection of breeding materials and the design of breeding programs, and also provide valuable reference for tracing the provenance of U. pinnatifida populations.

Table of Contents

1 引言... 1

1.1 群体遗传学的研究内容和发展历程... 1

1.2 群体遗传学中常用的概念和参数... 2

1.3 分子标记的类型及应用... 3

1.4 大型藻类群体遗传学的研究进展... 5

1.5 裙带菜基本生物学特征和概述... 7

1.6 裙带菜的主要分布及在中国的栽培历史与产业技术的发展... 8

1.7 研究的目的和意义... 10

2 基于微卫星标记的中国主要野生与栽培裙带菜的群体遗传学研究... 11

2.1 引言... 11

2.2 材料与方法... 12

2.2.1 主要仪器与生化试剂... 12

2.2.2 实验材料... 13

2.2.3 裙带菜基因组DNA的提取... 14

2.2.4 微卫星核心序列扩增... 14

2.2.5 微卫星核心序列长度获取... 15

2.2.6 数据整理及分析... 15

2.3 实验结果... 16

2.3.1 DNA提取... 16

2.3.2 微卫星核心序列扩增及检测... 17

2.3.3 扩增产物测序... 17

2.3.4 结果分析... 17

2.4 结论与讨论... 24

2.5 小结... 26

3 基于线粒体基因序列的中国主要野生与栽培裙带菜群体遗传学研究... 27

3.1 引言... 27

3.2 材料与方法... 27

3.2.1 主要仪器与生化试剂... 27

3.2.2 实验材料... 28

3.2.3 裙带菜基因组DNA提取... 29

3.2.4 线粒体基因序列扩增及检测... 29

3.2.5 线粒体基因序列获取... 30

3.2.6 序列处理及分析... 30

3.3 实验结果... 33

3.3.1 DNA提取... 33

3.3.2 线粒体基因序列扩增及检测... 33

3.3.3 扩增产物测序... 33

3.3.4 序列处理及分析... 34

3.4 结论与讨论... 43

3.5 小结... 45

4 结论与展望... 46

参考文献... 48

致谢... 59

作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与其他相关学术成果... 60

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
李昱倩. 中国野生与栽培裙带菜的群体遗传学研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2024.
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