IOCAS-IR  > 海洋环流与波动重点实验室

太平洋赤道潜流(Equatorial UndercurrentEUC)是位于赤道次表层的一支强劲的东向流,对赤道太平洋纬向的质量和热量输送以及盐交换产生直接影响;并且与海气相互作用信号厄尔尼诺-南方涛动之间联系密切,对我国的天气和气候变化乃至全球海气相互作用过程均具有重要的影响。过去研究认为EUC的维持和变异由纬向压强梯度力所主导,也与Rossby波相关的大尺度环流异常相关,为从赤道波动的角度来研究EUC的变异奠定了基础。然而,影响EUC变异的风应力结构、位置和时期及其潜在的物理机制并不清晰。本文基于伴随敏感性方法研究了在不同的超前月份下能够使得EUC发生最大变异的风应力扰动结构,以及具有这种敏感性结构的风扰动驱动下EUC变异的物理机制。本文的主要研究内容与结果如下:

1)利用德国海洋环流和气候估算系统(German contribution to the Estimation of the Circulation and Climate of the OceanGECCO)下的海洋环流模式对赤道流系进行了数值模拟。结果表明:GECCO系统能够准确刻画出EUC气候态基本结构特征和季节变异特征,与海洋再分析数据和现场观测资料保持一致,为伴随敏感性的计算提供了可接受的海洋背景态;此外,数值实验表明GECCO系统中EUC流量与风应力扰动之间具有较强的线性关系,为伴随敏感性的准确计算提供了基础。






The Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) is a strong subsurface eastward current, which has a direct impact on mass and heat transport and salt exchange in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. EUC also exerts a closed relationship with the air-sea interaction signal of El Niño and Southern Oscillation, which has an important impact on China's weather and climate change even with the global air-sea interaction process. It is generally believed that the maintenance and variation of EUC are dominated by zonal pressure gradient force in the previous study. Meanwhile, a large-scale circulation associated with a Rossby wave can also lead to EUC variation, which lays the foundation for studying the variation of EUC from the perspective of equatorial waves. However, it is still unclear about the structure, location, and period of influential winds that affect EUC variation, as well as the underlying mechanism of wind-driven EUC variation. Based on the adjoint sensitivity method, this paper obtains the structure of the wind that can make the EUC change most efficiently at different leading months, and the underlying mechanism. This study has drawn the following main results and conclusions:

(1) Numerical simulation of the equatorial current system is carried out using the ocean circulation model under the German contribution to the Estimation of the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (GECCO) framework. The results show that the GECCO system can grasp the basic structure and seasonal variation of EUC in the climatology state compared with the oceanic reanalysis and in-suit observations, which provides an acceptable ocean background state for the calculation of adjoint sensitivity; in addition, numerical experiments show that there is a strong linear relationship between EUC transport and wind stress perturbation in the GECCO system, which provides a basis for the computation of adjoint sensitivity.

(2) Using the adjoint model under the GECCO framework, the structures of adjoint sensitivity of the EUC transport at the 165°E section in July of the second year to the zonal and meridional winds forcing in the previous 11 months are obtained. The results show that the adjoint sensitivity is mainly distributed in the tropical Pacific Ocean (between 15°S and 15°N), exhibiting a “funnel-like” structure which is highly symmetrical about the equator, and the EUC transport is more sensitive to zonal wind stress than meridional wind stress; the evolutions of the adjoint sensitivity are similar to that of the Rossby wave signal, which moves westward over the developed time periods. The strongest adjoint sensitivity occurs approximately 1–3 months ahead of the target month.

(3) Wind velocity perturbation experiments with sensitivity-like structures are conducted in different leading times. The results show that sensitive winds can indeed make the EUC enhance obviously in the target month, and the non-local wind perturbations, which occur 4 to 11 months prior of the target month, can indeed lead to the enhancement of EUC at the basin scale; in contrast, local wind perturbations (with the lead time of no earlier than 4 months) can only lead to the enhancement of EUC near the target section. Accordingly, by analyzing the development of sea surface height anomalies, it is found that the equatorial Kelvin waves, the off-equatorial Rossby waves, and the reflected waves superimpose onto each other, excited by sensitive wind perturbations, can cause the variation of EUC eventually. Meanwhile, taking the sensitive wind perturbation in the month –6 as an example, it is verified that it is partially consistent with the real wind anomaly, which can be used to explain the seasonal and interannual variability of EUC, verifying the rationality of adjoint sensitivity-like wind.

 (4) The adjoint sensitivity results of the EUC at various sections. By setting the target section as other specific sections and continuous longitude sections of the EUC respectively, it is found that there are some differences between the structures of the corresponding sensitive wind, however, the dynamic processes of wind-driven EUC variations can also be explained by equatorial waves. In addition, it is compared the structure of adjoint sensitivity of EUC transport to zonal wind stress calculated by GECCO and TOOSSE with high resolution, which also indicates the reliability of the conclusions obtained in this study.

In summary, based on the adjoint sensitivity method, the present work obtains the spatial patterns, and locations of critical wind perturbations within different leading-months that most effectively affects EUC variation in different leading months, and provide the equatorial waves mechanism of wind-driven EUC variation, which can be regarded as complementary to the canonical zonal pressure gradient force mechanism for basin-scale EUC variation. Meanwhile, it is found that the distribution of real wind anomaly is partly similar to the sensitivity-like wind, providing a benchmark for searching for the potentially influential winds that may be responsible for the EUC variations and ENSO prediction.


1章 绪论... 1

1.1 研究背景与研究意义... 1

1.2 研究现状与研究进展... 7

1.2.1 EUC的生成与维持机制... 7

1.2.2 EUC的变异机制——纬向压强驱动过程... 9

1.2.3 EUC的变异机制——环流驱动过程... 10

1.3 研究内容和章节安排    11

GB/T 7714
王锦. 基于伴随敏感性方法的太平洋赤道潜流变异对风应力响应研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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基于伴随敏感性方法的太平洋赤道潜流变异对(9509KB)学位论文 开放获取CC BY-NC-SA浏览
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