嗜盐古菌 Halorubrum kocurii 2020YC7 的嗜盐机制研究
关键词嗜盐古菌 嗜盐机制 渗透适应 基因组 菌红素

嗜盐古菌是介于原核生物和真核生物的中间类群,具有独特的嗜盐特性。它们可产生强抗氧化物质菌红素(Bacterioruberin)、细菌视紫红质(Bacteriorhodopsin,BR)、聚羟基脂肪酸(PHA)以及有渗透保护作用的海藻糖(Trehalose)和甘氨酸甜菜碱(Glycine betaine)等具有开发价值的物质。深入研究嗜盐古菌可拓宽人们对生物系统进化的认知,为发掘生命起源演化的重要证据。通过转基因技术,利用其渗透调节基因,有望为提高作物抗逆能力提供新途径。
本研究以嗜盐古菌Halorubrum kocurii 2020YC7为材料,结合全基因组测序和表达水平分析,通过测定NaCl浓度变化对内源和外源渗透调节物质(钾离子、海藻糖、甘氨酸甜菜碱等)的影响,探讨嗜盐古菌的特殊嗜盐机制,主要结果如下:
1.全基因组测序结果表明:H. kocurii 2020YC7的基因全长为3,727,755 bp,其GC含量较高,占66.24 %,更有利于其在高渗环境中的DNA稳定与生存;H.kocurii 2020YC7的酸性氨基酸比例也很高,占总氨基酸的17.14 %,酸性氨基酸带有更多的负电荷,有利于菌株更好的结合阳离子,进行渗透调节;此外得到蛋白功能注释基因3513个,与渗透调节相关的物质转运有关的拷贝共33个,涉及钾离子、钠离子转运,海藻糖合成,甘氨酸甜菜碱和海藻糖转运,未发现甘氨酸甜菜碱合成相关基因。
2.通过RT-qPCR对渗透调节基因进行了表达分析,发现钾离子摄取基因trkHtrkAkch以及钾离子输出基因kefB表达均与NaCl浓度呈正相关。其中Trk钾离子摄取系统的跨膜蛋白编码基因trkH变化最大,250 g/L组的相对表达量是50 g/L组的近500倍。基因trkAkch以及kefB在250 g/L组的相对表达量分别是50 g/L 组的449 % ± 101 %,339 % ± 22 %,266 % ± 28 %。海藻糖合成基因treS相对表达量与NaCl浓度呈负相关。在没有外源相容性溶质添加时,甘氨酸甜菜碱转运基因bcct和海藻糖转运基因sugA不随NaCl浓度改变而变化。
3.渗透调节物质检测结果显示,菌株细胞内含有大量的钾离子,且钾离子浓度随NaCl浓度增加而上升,最高值出现在200 g/L组中,可达28.67 ± 3.91 μmol/mg protein,约是50 g/L低盐组的7.5倍。菌株细胞内检测到海藻糖,但随NaCl浓度的变化趋势与钾离子相反,NaCl浓度越高,海藻糖浓度越低。未检测到内源甘氨酸甜菜碱的存在,表明该菌株不具备自身从头合成甘氨酸甜菜碱的能力。
外源添加甘氨酸甜菜碱后,H. kocurii 2020YC7细胞内检测到了大量甘氨酸甜菜碱,且浓度与NaCl浓度正相关,在250 g/L NaCl组中其浓度高达15.27 ± 1.20 mg/mg protein。同时,150,200,250 g/L NaCl组的钾离子浓度显著降低(P<0.05)。钾离子浓度由无添加时的23.79 ± 0.29,28.67 ± 3.91,25.70 ± 3.59分别降低到了11.70 ± 0.23,15.36 ± 0.80,14.93 ± 0.77 μmol/mg protein。与此同时,海藻糖浓度只有很少的变化,并且外源添加海藻糖时,高盐度下(150 - 250 g/L)钾离子浓度降低幅度也不明显(P>0.05),表明海藻糖并未参与高盐环境中的渗透平衡。
渗透保护物质甘油对H. kocurii 2020YC7的生长和菌红素积累有明显抑制作用。研究证实上述甘油的抑制作用与其浓度没有直接关系,而与pH显著改变有关。添加甘油后,H. kocurii 2020YC7培养基pH显著降低,呈酸性。通过基因组发掘甘油代谢路径,结合氧电极结果等推测:甘油在细胞内代谢产生了乳酸或者乙酸,使TCA循环底物乙酰辅酶A减少,有氧呼吸速率受抑制,能量生成受阻,进而导致菌株生长与菌红素合成被抑制。
4.此外,研究表明:H. kocurii 2020YC7合成菌红素含量与NaCl浓度有密切关系,盐度150 g/L时,单位菌株菌红素积累量最高(A494/A600可达0.93 ± 0.09),添加草酰乙酸对嗜盐古菌的菌红素积累有显著促进作用(P<0.05)。
综上所述,将H. kocurii 2020YC7的嗜盐机制归纳如下:(1)NaCl浓度为150 - 250 g/L时,钾离子作为主要渗透保护物质发挥渗透调节作用。菌株细胞内占比较高的酸性氨基酸是与这些钾离子结合的基础。钾离子转运通道在NaCl浓度为100 - 150 g/L的区间内被激活。(2)NaCl浓度为200 - 250g/L时,若外界环境中存在甘氨酸甜菜碱时,可通过BCCT家族的转运蛋白进入细胞,协同钾离子进行渗透平衡。(3)NaCl浓度下降到100至50 g/L时,菌株多糖解体进而被淀粉酶/淀粉酶/海藻糖合成酶TreS的催化产生海藻糖,这是其不能在低盐环境中生存的原因之一。海藻糖在高盐环境中(高于100 g/L)不作为H. kocurii 2020YC7的主要渗透保护物质。(4)此外,DNA高GC含量以及菌红素的积累为H. kocurii 2020YC7在高渗环境中的生存提供了保护作用。


Halophilic archaea is an intermediate group between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They can produce substances of development value, such as strong antioxidants bacterioruberin, bacteriorhodopsin (BR), polyhydroxy fatty acid (PHA), and osmoprotectant trehalose and glycine betaine, etc. In-depth study of halophilic archaea can broaden people's understanding of the evolution of biological systems and provide important evidence for the origin and evolution of life. Through transgenic technology, using its osmoadaptative gene, it is expected to provide new ways to improve the stress resistance of crops.
In this study, the halophilic archaea Halorubrum kocurii 2020YC7 was used as the material, combined with whole-genome sequencing and expression level analysis, to determine the effect of NaCl concentration changes on endogenous and exogenous osmoprotectants (potassium, trehalose, glycine betaine, etc.) The special halophilic mechanism of halophilic archaea was explored, and the main results obtained were as follows:
1.Whole-genome sequencing results showed that: the full-length gene of H. kocurii 2020YC7 was 3,727,755 bp, and its GC content was high, accounting for 66.24%, which was more conducive to its DNA stability and survival in a hypertonic environment; The proportion of acidic amino acids was also very high, accounting for 17.14% of the total amino acids. Acidic amino acids were negatively charged, which were conducive to binding cations for osmotic regulation. In addition, 3513 protein function annotation genes were obtained, which were related to osmotic regulation. There were 33 copies of osmoprotectant transport-related in total, involving potassium transport, sodium transport, trehalose synthesis, glycine betaine, and trehalose transport, and no glycine betaine synthesis genes were found.
2.The expression of osmoadaptative genes was analyzed by RT-qPCR, and it was found that the expression of potassium uptake genes trkH, trkA, kch and potassium export gene kefB were positively correlated with NaCl concentration. Among them, the transmembrane protein encoding gene trkH of the Trk potassium uptake system changed the most, and the relative expression level of the 250 g/L group was nearly 500 times than 50 g/L group. The relative expression levels of genes trkA, kch and kefB in the 250 g/L group were 449 % ± 101 %, 339 % ± 22 % and 266 % ± 28 % of the 50 g/L group, respectively. The relative expression of trehalose synthesis gene treS was negatively correlated with NaCl concentration. In the absence of exogenous compatible solutes, the glycine betaine transporter bcct and the trehalose transporter sugA did not change with the NaCl concentration.
3.The detection results of osmoprotectants showed that the cells of the strain contained a large amount of potassium, and the potassium concentration increased with the increase of NaCl concentration. The maximum appeared in the 200 g/L group, and the concentration was 28.67 ± 3.91 μmol/mg protein, about 7.5 times that of the 50 g/L low-salt group. Trehalose was detected in the cells of the strain, but the changing trend with NaCl was opposite to that of potassium. The higher the NaCl concentration, the lower the trehalose concentration. The presence of endogenous glycine betaine was not detected, indicating that the strain did not have the ability to synthesize glycine betaine de novo.
After exogenous addition of glycine betaine, a large amount of glycine betaine was detected in H. kocurii 2020YC7 cells, and it was positively correlated with the concentration of NaCl. The concentration of glycine betaine in the 250 g/L NaCl group was as high as 15.27 ± 1.20 mg/mg protein. At the same time, the potassium concentration in the 150, 200, and 250 g/L NaCl groups was significantly decreased (P<0.05). The potassium concentration decreased from 23.79 ± 0.29, 28.67 ± 3.91, 25.70 ± 3.59 without addition to 11.70 ± 0.23, 15.36 ± 0.80, 14.93 ± 0.77 μmol/mg protein, respectively, At the same time, there was only little change in trehalose concentration, and when trehalose was added exogenously, the decrease in potassium concentration was not significant (P>0.05), indicating that trehalose did not participate in high-salt osmotic balance.
The osmoprotectant glycerol has a significant inhibitory effect on the growth and bacteriocin accumulation of H. kocurii 2020YC7. Studies had confirmed that the inhibitory effect of the above glycerol was not directly related to its concentration, but is related to a significant change in pH. After the addition of glycerol, the pH of H. kocurii 2020YC7 medium decreased significantly and became acidic. Through genome exploration of glycerol metabolic pathways, combined with the results of oxygen electrodes, it was speculated that glycerol metabolizes intracellularly to produce lactic acid or acetic acid, which reduces the TCA cycle substrate acetyl-CoA, inhibited aerobic respiration rate, and hinders energy generation, which in turn led to the inhibition of growth and bacterioruberin synthesis.
4.In addition, studies showed that the content of bacterioruberin in H. kocurii 2020YC7 was closely related to the concentration of NaCl. When the salinity was 150 g/L, the accumulation of bacteriocin per unit strain was the highest (A494/A600 was up to 0.93 ± 0.09). Acetic acid significantly promoted the accumulation of bacteriocin in halophilic archaea (P<0.05).
In summary, the halophilic mechanism of H. kocurii 2020YC7 was summarized as follows: (1) When the concentration of NaCl concentration was 150 - 250 g/L, K+ played an role as the main osmoprotectant. The high proportion of acidic amino acids in the cells of the strain was the basis for binding with these K+. Potassium transport channels were activated in the NaCl concentration range of 100 - 150 g/L. (2) When the NaCl concentration was 200 - 250g/L, if glycine betaine existed in the external environment, the strain could transport them into cells through the BCCT family transporter, and cooperate with K+ for osmotic balance. (3) When the NaCl concentration dropped to 100 even 50 g/L, the polysaccharide of the strain was disintegrated and then catalyzed by the amylase/trehalose synthase TreS to produce trehalose, which explained why it cannot survive in a low-salt environment. Trehalose did not act as the main osmoprotectant of H. kocurii 2020YC7 in high salinity environment (above 100 g/L). (4) In addition, the high GC content of DNA and the accumulation of bacteriorhodopsin provided protection for the survival of H. kocurii 2020YC7 in a hypertonic environment.

学科门类理学 ; 理学::海洋科学
GB/T 7714
丁润庭. 嗜盐古菌 Halorubrum kocurii 2020YC7 的嗜盐机制研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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