IOCAS-IR  > 海洋环流与波动重点实验室
其他题名Storm Surge and Wave Interaction and Its Application in Risk Assessment of Storm Surge Disasters in Shandong Peninsula
关键词ADCIRCSWAN耦合数值模式 台风风暴潮 温带风暴潮 危险性评估 山东半岛


针对山东半岛区域,基于精细化的非结构三角形网格,建立了ADCIRC - SWAN耦合模式。针对耦合模式的输入风场模型Holland模型以及SWAN海浪模式的参数进行对比实验,并且采用各验潮站和浮标点的实测水位及波高数据,验证了耦合模式对于风暴潮、天文潮以及海浪模拟结果的准确性。





Storm surges and waves pose a great threat to the coastal marine economic development of the Shandong Peninsula, the personal safety of residents and the construction of marine infrastructure. Therefore, studying the coupling effect of storm surge and ocean wave disasters is crucial for improving marine forecasting technology and improving marine disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities. In this paper, the storm surge process is simulated for the Shandong Peninsula region, and the hazard of storm surges and ocean waves is evaluated. The main research contents and results are as follows:

For the Shandong Peninsula region, based on the refined unstructured triangular mesh, an ADCIRC-SWAN coupling model is established. Comparing the parameters of the input wind field model Holland model of the coupled model and the SWAN wave model, it is verified that the combination of the Powell formula of the Holland parameter B and the Jiang formula of the maximum wind speed radius R has a better simulation effect in the research area of this paper. Meanwhile, the SWAN model wind input and whitecapping term and bottom friction term are determined as Komen scheme and JONSWAP method, respectively. In addition, the measured water level and wave height data of each tide station and buoy point are used to verify the accuracy of the coupled model for the simulation results of storm surge, astronomical tide and ocean waves.

At the same time, sensitivity experiments were carried out on the coast of Shandong Peninsula to study the interaction among storm surge, current field and wave height. The results show that in the nearshore area, the wave effect is mainly manifested as water increase, and the water increase caused by waves accounts for about 15% of the total storm surge. In the case of considering the water level, the value of the significant wave height is increased, and the significant wave height generated by the water level can reach 0.9-1.3 meters. The current field has little effect on the significant wave height. In the area far from the coast, the increase and decrease of the water level caused bu wave is very small; the effect of the water level on the wave height is also weak; the influence of the flow field on the wave height is greater than that of the water level. When the angle between the wave direction and the flow direction is an acute angle, the wave height is expressed as decrease. When the angle between the wave direction and the flow direction is an obtuse angle, the wave height increases, and when the two are perpendicular, the effect is minimal. Therefore, it is more reasonable and necessary to consider the interaction between storm surge and ocean waves for the numerical simulation of storm surge and ocean waves.

The process of typhoon storm surge and extratropical storm surge affecting Shandong Peninsula was counted and simulated by coupling model. Then, the hazard of storm surge and ocean waves was evaluated. The results show that extratropical cyclones occur all year round, mainly in spring and autumn, while typhoons only occur in summer. The events are sorted by storm surge and wave height. Among the top events with large storm surge and wave height, typhoon events account for about 40% on the south coast of Shandong Peninsula. On the north coast, typhoons account for only 20%. The hazard of waves along the coast of Shandong Peninsula is generally higher on the south coast than on the north coast, and the waves along the east coast of Weihai and Qingdao are the most dangerous. In general, the hazard of storm surge is greater on the north coast than on the south coast, and the risk of storm surge near the coast of Laizhou Bay is the highest.

The coupled model was used for 40 consecutive years of simulations to evaluate the hazard of waves and storm surges along the Shandong Peninsula. A binary Gumbel logistic model was used to calculate the joint probability and joint return period of storm surge and its accompanying wave heights, and to evaluate the combined storm surge and wave intensity levels of two extratropical storm surges and two typhoon storm surges in Shandong Peninsula. The results show that the comprehensive hazard of storm surge-wave is larger on the northern coast than on the southern coast. Hekou, Shouguang, Hanting, Changyi and northern Rongcheng are at the highest risk, with a hazard index above 0.8. The comparison of the distribution of storm surge-wave combined intensity grades in the two types of storm surge processes shows that the temperate storm surge mainly affects the northern part of the Shandong Peninsula, and the determination of the combined intensity is dominated by the stoem surge, while the southern part of the Shandong Peninsula is more prone to typhoon storm surges. And the wave height has a greater role in determining the joint strength level.


1 绪论... 1

1.1 研究背景与意义... 1

1.1.1 风暴潮简介... 3

1.1.2 海浪简介... 5

1.2 国内外研究现状... 6

1.2.1 风暴潮数值模式研究进展... 6

1.2.2 海浪数值模式研究进展... 7

1.2.3 风暴潮-海浪相互作用研究进展... 8

1.2.4 风暴潮和海浪危险性研究进展... 8

1.2.5 山东省风暴潮和海浪灾害研究进展... 9

1.3 本文主要研究内容... 11

2 耦合数值模式构建与验证... 13

2.1 数值模式介绍... 13

2.1.1 风场模型... 13

2.1.2 SWAN模式... 14

2.1.3 ADCIRC模式... 15

2.1.4 ADCIRC-SWAN耦合模式... 17

2.2 数据介绍... 18

2.3 模式参数及配置... 20

2.3.1 Holland风场模型参数... 20

2.3.2 SWAN模式参数... 27

2.3.3 耦合模式参数设置... 30

2.3.4 耦合模式网格建立... 31

2.4 耦合数值模式验证... 32

2.4.1 天文潮验证... 32

2.4.2 风暴潮增水验证... 34

2.4.3海浪有效波高验证... 37

2.5本章小结... 38

3 风暴潮-海浪相互作用特征机理研究... 40

3.1典型过程风暴潮和海浪分布特征... 41

3.2敏感性实验设置... 44

3.3风暴潮和海浪的相互作用... 45

3.3.1波浪对增水的影响... 45

3.3.2 水位对波高的影响... 50

3.3.3 流场对波高的影响... 53

3.4 本章小结... 55

4 台风和温带气旋下海浪和风暴潮的危险性评估... 56

4.1 台风及温带气旋统计特征... 56

4.1.1 时空分布... 56

4.1.2 台风风暴潮和温带风暴潮强度对比... 60

4.1.3 典型风暴潮过程对比... 63

4.2 海浪及增水分布特征... 65

4.2.1 台风风场和海浪场空间分布特征... 65

4.2.2 山东半岛沿岸海浪分布特征... 68

4.2.3 山东半岛沿岸风暴增水分布特征... 72

4.3 危险性评估方法... 75

4.3.1 海浪和风暴潮强度等级划分... 75

4.3.2 海浪和风暴潮危险性指数计算... 76

4.4 海浪和风暴潮危险性评估... 77

4.4.1 海浪危险性分布... 77

4.4.2 风暴潮危险性分布... 82

4.5 本章小结... 86

5 基于长期连续模拟的风暴潮-海浪综合危险性评估... 87

5.1 数据及网格调整... 88

5.2 重现期计算... 89

5.2.1 风暴增水重现期计算... 89

5.2.2 风暴增水-海浪联合重现期计算... 92

5.3 风暴潮-海浪综合危险性评估... 95

5.3.1 风暴潮-海浪综合危险性计算方法... 95

5.3.2 风暴潮-海浪综合危险性分布... 95

5.4 单过程风暴潮-海浪联合危险性评估... 99

5.4.1 风暴潮-海浪联合强度等级划分... 99

5.4.2 典型过程风暴潮-海浪联合危险性评估... 99

5.5 极端过程的危险性... 104

5.6 本章小结... 105

6 结论与未来工作展望... 107

6.1 结论... 107

6.2 未来工作展望... 108

参考文献... 110

... 117

作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与研究成果... 119

GB/T 7714
王宁. 风暴潮-海浪相互作用及其在山东半岛风暴潮灾害风险评估中的应用[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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