IOCAS-IR  > 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室
西北太平洋沿岸短滨螺(Littorina brevicula)谱系地理学及群体遗传学研究
其他题名Phylogeography and population genetics of Littorina brevicula in the Northwestern Pacific
关键词谱系地理学 群体遗传学 生态连通性 本地适应性 短滨螺

海洋生物的谱系地理格局与群体遗传结构受其分布范围内地质历史、地貌、水文环境、物种自身生物学特性等多重因素的影响。西北太平洋具有丰富的边缘海结构、独特的地质历史以及复杂的水文环境,其沿岸的潮间带复杂多变,既有广阔的泥质浅滩,也有丰富多样的岩相环境;西北太平洋纬度跨度大,不同气候类型海域间存在明显的环境异质性;以上因素对西北太平洋广布海洋生物的种下水平的演化历史和群体间的基因交流,以及不同地理种群对本地环境适应性的产生均具有重要影响。此外,潮间带是人类活动和全球气候变化影响下的敏感区域,部分潮间带海洋生物的分布范围在人类活动和全球气候变化得影响下发生了改变。因此,西北太平洋为海洋生物谱系地理学和群体遗传学研究提供了理想的天然实验室。短滨螺(Littorina brevicula, Philippi, 1844)是西北太平洋沿岸岩相潮间带生境的广布种,其分布范围内存在明显的环境异质性,既包括不同纬度条件下的温度差异,也包括不同沿岸栖息地的盐度差异,因此是研究西北太平洋海洋生物谱系地理格局、群体遗传结构及潮间带生物本地适应性进化机制的理想物种。










The phylogeographic history and population genetic structure of the marine species are influenced by multiple factors including geological history, geomorphology, hydrological environment, and the biological characteristics etc. The northwestern Pacific is characterized by a series of marginal seas, unique geographical history and complex hydrological environments. The intertidal habitats of northwestern Pacific are diverse, including wide mudflat and variety of rocky intertidal zone. In addition, there are latitudinal environment heterogeneity among marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific. All factors might have played important roles in intraspecific evolutionary history, gene flow, and adaptation of geographical population to local environments for species widely distributed in the northwestern Pacific. Furthermore, the intertidal habitats of northwestern Pacific have been influenced by athropogenic activities and global change, and the distribution of some intertidal species have been changed. Hence, the northwestern Pacific provides a natural laboratory for studying phylogeography and population genetics of marine species. The gastropod, Littorina brevicula (Philippi, 1844) is a common periwinkle snail widely distributed in the rocky littoral fringe of the temperate coast of the Northwestern Pacific. There are obvious environmental heterogeneity in the distribution range of L. brevicula, such as temperature regime at different latitudes and salinity in different ocean areas. Considering its wide distribution range in the intertidal rocky habitat of northwestern Pacific, L. brevicula is an ideal species for the study of phylogeographic history, population genetic structure, and genetic mechanism of local adaptation.

Here we collected samples of L.brevicula from 30 localities in the northwestern Pacific, by using mitochondrial ND6 gene sequence, microsatellite and genome-wide SNP markers, we clarified the phylogeographic pattern and population genetic structure of L.brevicula across its range of distribution; the connectivity between the Yangtze River Estuary (YRE) and the Subei coastal water was explored by the genetic assignment/exclusion test of newly colonized population on the Yangtze River Delta (YRD); we also investigated the genetic mechanisms of local adaptation of geographical populations and discussed possible environment factors driving adaptation for different populations. Major findings of the present study are shown below:

1) The phylogeographic pattern and population genetic structure of L. brevicula were clarified, and population demographic history of L. brevicula were investigated.

The complete mtND6 sequence was amplified and sequenced for natural population along coast of China, and phylogeographic analyses were conducted by combining previously published mtND6 data of natural population around Japan. Clear phylogeographic and genetic differentiation were detected between natural rocky populations south and north of the YRE, which resulted from the lack of hard substrate for rocky invertebrates in the large YRD coast after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The result of genetic structure analysis based on microsatellites demonstrated that the populations of L. brevicula in the Northwestern Pacific could be divided into four genetic clusters, populations from the coast of Japan and Korea (hereafter Japan cluster), populations from the northern China but excluding Qingdao, Rizhao and Lianyungang (hereafter northern cluster of China), populations of Qingdao, Rizhao and Lianyungang (hereafter Qingdao cluster), and populations south of YRE (hereafter southern cluster of China). Habitat fragmentation the lack of hard substrate for rocky invertebrates in the large YRD and the restriction of gene flow caused by ocean current system are crucial factors shaping genetic structure of L. brevicula. Evolution history analysis suggested that the northern cluster of China was the ancestry cluster, the southern cluster of China and the Japan cluster derived from the Japan cluster successively, and the Qingdao cluster derived from the northern cluster of China at last. Population demographic analysis showed that populations of L. brevicula experienced expansion from about 20,000 years ago, probably due to the rapid growth of population sizes and the expansion of their distribution range accompanied by availability of new habitats due to the rise of sea level after the LGM.

2) The source of new colonized populations on the coast of YRD were explored by genetic assignment/exclusion tests, and results demonstrated strong ecological connectivity between the YRE and the Subei coastal water in winter time.

We investigated ecological connectivity between the YRE and inner southwestern Yellow Sea in wintertime by precisely pinpointing the source of six newly colonized populations of the winter-spawning rocky intertidal invertebrate, L. brevicula, on artificial structures along the coast of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) using mitochondrial ND6 sequences and microsatellite data. Most individuals (98%) to the south of ~33.5°N were from natural rocky populations to the south of the YRE and most of those (94%) to the north of ~33.5°N were from the northern natural rocky populations, which demonstrated strong ecological connectivity between the inner southwestern Yellow Sea and the YRE in winter time. We presented the first genetic evidence that demonstrated a northward wintertime coastal current in the inner southwestern Yellow Sea, and precisely illustrated the boundary of the coastal current recently proposed by numerical experiment. These results indicated that the YRE serves as an important source of materials and energy for the inner southwestern Yellow Sea in winter, which can be crucial for the function of the Yellow Sea ecosystem.

3) By using population genomic approaches, the population genetic structure and genetic mechanisms underlying adaptive evolution to local environments of L. brevicula populations were clarified.

Genome-wide population genomic dataset of eight L.brevicula geographic populations were obtained based on whole genome sequencing. Population genetic structure analyses showed that eight natural populations should be divided into seven genetic clusters. One cluster was formed by Zhoushan and Xiamen populations, and each of the rest populations formed a separate cluster respectively. The analysis of local adaptation found multiple functional genes related to salinity adaptation (e.g. SLC16a13), osmotic pressure regulation (e.g. AQP) and thermal adaptation (e.g. HSP70). Meanwhile, GO annotation analysis also revealed multiple GO terms that involved in important physiological processes such as energy metabolism, osmotic pressure regulation, and temperature adaptation, which demonstrated local adaptation to salinity and thermal regime of different populations in the northwestern Pacific.

In summary, by using different molecular approaches, we investigated the phylogeographic history, population genetic structure, and the mechanisms of local adaptation of L. brevicula in the northwestern Pacific. These results will broaden our understanding of the intraspecific evolutionary history, population genetic structure, and the underlying driving factors of marine species. Our results indicated that the YRE serves as an important source of materials and energy for the inner southwestern Yellow Sea in winter, which will be useful for the management and protection of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. At last, our understanding of the genetic mechanism of adaptation of L. brevicula to local environments could provide insights into the way marine organism coping with global climate change in the future.

资助项目National Natural Science Foundation of China[31970488] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China[31970488]
GB/T 7714
李玉强. 西北太平洋沿岸短滨螺(Littorina brevicula)谱系地理学及群体遗传学研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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